Edificio Balboa Plaza, Oficina 522, Avenida Balboa, Panama City, Panama
“If a man write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mouse-trap than his neighbour, ‘though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door”.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
On this page you will find our library of articles, contained within the below three publication links, which has been offering news and views on international financial affairs since 1997. They are all written by our President and Managing Director, Derek Sambrook, a qualified international trust and estate practitioner since 1979. He has been a member of the former Latin America and Caribbean Banking Commission as well as an international financial services regulator (banks, trust companies and insurance) for the British government in the Caribbean with over 50 years financial services working experience in Europe, America, Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America.
Topaz Services, S.A. has been helping clients since 1981, presenting the facts in black and white, just like our articles.
Delivering British excellence and simplifying the complex for five decades
Please click on any of the below links to view our range of articles:
Contained within this link you will find our articles which are designed to be informative and helpful guides for those interested in succession planning, asset protection and international investments.
Derek Sambrook, Managing Director and President of Topaz Services, S.A.
Latin Letter was a regular column in Offshore Investment a professional journal previously published in the UK between 1986 and 2017 which had an international readership, and because many of the columns contained informative, historical content they remain posted on our website.
Private Client Adviser was a wealth management magazine that has ceased publication in recent times. Derek Sambrook wrote regular articles that provided thumbnail sketches of Latin America between 2013 to 2016
The following occasional articles appear in the Private Client Hub which is published for professionals in the United Kingdom and is featured in informaconnect.com, a leading business intelligence and academic publishing source.