“It´s unwise to much pay too much, but its unwise to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money – that´s all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought is incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do”.

John Ruskin

At Topaz Services, S.A., we believe that good, quality service means satisfied clients, and good clients are the bedrock of our business. For us it has been a tried and tested formula for nearly forty years. During that time our strongest form of advertising, and therefore our most enduring source of publicity, has been personal recommendation. Below are some examples of what some of our clients have said:

P, United Kingdom

“At the risk of boring you, I must once again tell you how comforting and simply terrific it is to deal with such professionals like Topaz Services! Your prompt replies and excellence of service and knowledge of offshore protocol are simply unmatched!”

S, France

“The next time that Greek philosopher Diogenes “lights his lantern looking for an honest man”, I will mention your name”.


“Topaz Services can proudly assert its years of excellence”.

J, Central America

“Topaz Services has proven how valuable they are for their clients”

B, Australia
“I must also congratulate you and your company for their excellent service and advice and prompt attention to all matters”.

IW, Europe
“To the naïve, greedy and perennially stupid, the world of offshore finance offers more than mystique and pseudo-sophistication. It is replete with frauds and deceptions of all sorts. A man (Derek Sambrook) who´s seen it all, describes the minefields and offers very useful advice”.



“I would like you to know that I am truly happy and can think clearly now as well as sleep like a baby thanks to your advices and services that you provided me with”.


A, Turks & Caicos

“It has always been a pleasure working with you … and you must take considerable credit for the successes that we have had.”


I, Switzerland

“The world of offshore deception and fraud has become, thanks to the internet, a virtual one. For those who deal in far-off tax havens, Derek Sambrook offers a reality test and good, fatherly advice”.


G, France

“I appreciate knowing that you maintain the excellent reputation that Topaz Services has earned and maintained over the years”.


P, Panama

“… and just wanted to add that his [Derek Sambrook] company is the best I have ever worked with – by far. They are hands down the greatest company I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with”.


KA, New Zealand

“Once again, after going over the materials provided and reading through the web-site information, we are convinced that your organization is the one we would like to assist us”.



“Mr. Sambrook has been actively engaged in the International Private Banking industry for a number of years. I have consulted with him on numerous fiduciary matters and he has proved extremely knowledgeable and reliable.”



“In military citations for medals, there is the standard phrase of “for services above and beyond the call of duty” and you certainly satisfy that criterion”.



“I always enjoy your bigger picture exploration on the issues you address. I find your insight, beyond the pedestrian “business issues”, quite refreshing. If only more folks would question the how and why of the things we do and not simply the how much (is my fee?)”


A, Canada

“I’ve been to many conferences and seminars in the past, because I believe that it’s worthwhile to pay for personal education. But this is the best because it’s not just one speaker or one point of view but a wide array of information. The presentation by Derek Sambrook of Topaz Services was worth the price of the seminar alone. He’s the first person that I want to talk to when I return to Panama.”



“Through the years you have constantly helped us in many ways and you are always appreciated for your professionalism and friendly assistance”.


Mr C, Canada

“I know some people may find it counterproductive to ask their lawyer if they should or shouldn’t start another corporation or not. With the thinking being that of course the lawyer would like that…for added business. However, I trust your recommendations explicitly and appreciate your candor. I know that you have my best interests in mind…and for that I appreciate it”. (This reference mistakenly refers to our President as a lawyer, but the sentiment expressed is unchanged).


J, Cayman Islands

“In all my dealings with Mr. Sambrook I have found him to be of the utmost integrity, and well versed”.



“Derek keeps the operation on the smaller side, preferring to provide top-flight service rather than just going for growth for the sake of growth”.

Former Chief Minister, Turks & Caicos “During his tenure of office … Mr. Sambrook has assisted in the drafting of legislation, the appraisal of developments which has enhanced the industry and maximized benefits to the economy”


“Your results have consistently matched your word, which is a rarity in today’s business environment”.



“We enjoyed our professional relationship with Derek Sambrook and hope someday soon to do business with him again”.



“Mr. Derek Sambrook has been known to me both personally and professionally for approximately 15 years and I have a high regard for his integrity and business acumen.”



“I am very appreciative for all that you have done”.


Mr S, New Zealand

“I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and would like to tell you how impressed we are, not only with your professional services and knowledge but also with your personable and comforting presentation”.



“Derek is a classic local. A Brit by birth and childhood, he …built a nice boutique trust company that offers direct, no-nonsense services for clients around the world”.



“We found his knowledge of insurance issues vast and he quickly understood new concepts. More can be said of Mr. Sambrook in the treatise entitled MONEY ON THE TABLE”.

Let our Experience be your Guide

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